
Futureheal is an Incorporate Company with four founders. Futureheal has got some funds under the name of Fetalist. The approximate amounts are stated below. These values do not include the investment done by the founders.

KWORKS (The amount equivalent to use some services)
KOSGEB ( In cash )
ITU Çekirdek (The amount equivalent to use some services)

The ways of investment

Service : You may serve in Futureheal as your investment. The amount is determined per the service itself, time, and content. 

In cash :

You may invest with Turkish Lira, Unites States Dollar, Euro, or Bitcoin. The minimum amount is equivalent to $100. There is one time $20 processing fee which is nonrefundable and independent of the amount you invest. If you continue to invest in different time periods you will not be charged again. You may change your mind and ask for a refund of your investment in 15 days. The time period for investment is 60 months which you cannot ask for a refund after the first 15 days.   

The Bank Accounts

Fetalist Bilisim Teknolojileri A.S.



Fetalist Bilisim Teknolojileri A.S.


Fetalist Bilisim Teknolojileri A.S.


Binance Pay: 234700585

BTC : 16VuZtSkLkUpoaWfg7HPfkLnu23ovQyojp

Please include the term “Investment and your email address” during money transfer. 

Investment Contract

Futureheal is an Incorporate Company based  in the USA. After you transfer your investment, please reach out us vie an email  to We will respond you in the earliest time with your signed contract.